I may be revealing my age by asking if you’ve ever played the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, but I have to say that I’ve played this lots of times over the years and my husband and I are pretty good at it even if I say so myself! I’m using the idea behind this game to explain Lou16.com.
As I’ve explained on my Who is Lou16? page I grabbed this url planning to make a site that would act as an index for my articles around the web. I also wanted to have a place to muse about things. Now I don’t advocate listening to too many people when they’re offering advice, but I had an overwhelming number of people saying that I need to focus on just a few areas that I can write about on this site instead of randomly writing about anything.
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I must admit I have always found that niche sites work well for me so I can’t fault the critics. I decided to write about gift ideas, zombies and dolls, I then decided I’d add some how to make money online articles as well. Well apparently these four things aren’t related enough – what do they have in common? Well for one thing I like them (well I don’t like zombies as such, but I do like zombie television shows, films and gift ideas!).
To keep everyone happy I thought I should get out a notepad and relate them all together using the idea that you can relate anyone back to Kevin Bacon in 6 moves. What could be difficult to relate each of these four things together in 6 moves?
- A great gift idea can be a doll, whether it’s for a child or a collectible doll or figurine for an adult.
- The Living Dead range of dolls embraces zombies (they also make great gift ideas).
- Zombies are popular so writing about them can help you make money online.
Forget the six steps, I’ve done it in three. Can you put the different subjects together in another way? Comment below and play six steps of separation with me!
Now I could try and take each subject and relate it to Kevin Bacon, but…… oh okay then.
Dolls – Kevin Bacon plays Sebastian Shaw in X-Men: First Class, Tonner have a range of collectible X-Men dolls.
Zombies – Kevin Bacon was in Friday 13th where he worked with Tom Savini (special effects), Tom Savini had just done special effects on the cult Zombie film Dawn of the Dead.
Gifts – C’mon you could mention any Kevin Bacon film on DVD would make a great gift idea, or even a DVD set of The Following! Okay here we go – Kevin Bacon is married to Kyra Sedgwick who was in the closer with J.K. Simmons who was the sherrif in the movie The Gift! Is The Gift close enough to gifts?
Making Money Online – Kevin Bacon was in Beyond All Boundaries with Jesse Eisenberg who starred as Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network which was about Facebook, one of the most prominent companies who are making money online.
If you enjoy Kevin Bacon’s movies then you might like his television series – The Following. I absolutely loved this series.
Hi I’m Louanne aka Lou16, welcome to my blog! I just wanted to let you know that this post may contain affiliate links which means, at no cost to YOU, that I might receive compensation if you purchase something through a link on my site. In the online world this is called ‘affiliate marketing’ and is a very common way that bloggers make their money, if you want to find out more then check out this post to find out what is affiliate marketing and how we make money on this site, If you want to see my full affiliate disclosure and the other ‘legal stuff’ then click here.
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